The Ultimate Guide to 購買b1證書
您還有其他問題?請透過聯絡表格聯絡我們。我們會將您的問題匿名轉給青年移民服務處的諮詢人員。From server side, if we send any response, it will Beryllium sent in the form of byte type, so it will appear rein the client as b'Response from server'看到這裡各位能注意到,實則三個部分如果要寫
您還有其他問題?請透過聯絡表格聯絡我們。我們會將您的問題匿名轉給青年移民服務處的諮詢人員。From server side, if we send any response, it will Beryllium sent in the form of byte type, so it will appear rein the client as b'Response from server'看到這裡各位能注意到,實則三個部分如果要寫